End Of Life Photography


It all began with the passing of my sweet dog, Romeo. Unexpectedly, Romeo had a horrific seizure followed by a stroke that left him clinging to life. After two emergency veterinary hospital admissions, I was told there were no other options. Left to say goodbye to my best friend on the floor of an emergency pet hospital. Even though I had many pictures with Romeo, I still wanted one last picture with my baby boy.

The Tilly Project.

This left me thinking about others who may not be as conscious of taking lots of pictures as I am. My obsession with capturing moments is not always at the forefront of everyone else’s minds. So after some research, I came across The Tilly Project; they help people get in touch with photographers in their area that can assist with end-of-life photography. Here is their mission:

“the Tilly Project aims to connect pet owners with end-of-life pet photographers across the world, and to provide accessible, educational, and supportive resources for photography, anticipatory grief, and pet loss/bereavement.”

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I will offer this service to everyone, even those who can not afford it. But to do so, I will need the help of our community. If you would like to donate to the cost of this service, it will be greatly appreciated by those that will receive these priceless photographs and me because I will be able to help bring some comfort to my fellow animal lovers.
